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This DVD features the lives of six older blokes sharing their stories of hardship
and personal struggles in an effort to highlight older men issues.

The full 28min DVD is available from the TOMNET Centre in Toowoomba.

“its not always easy, indeed its mostly very hard for older blokes to tell you how they really feel. Here are the stories of six of our older men, who courageously let us into their lives, their struggles, their innermost feelings and how they found light at the end of their personal tunnel.” Narrator – Royce Perkins 
DVD On 26th July 2013, the DVD “Older Men | Hidden Hardships” was launched at the Empire Theatre. The Older Mens Network Inc. (TOMNET Inc.) aims to identify and connect with isolated older men and establish peer support networks and services to improve their physical, mental, emotional and social wellbeing and provide them with a sense of belonging.

Toowoomba & Darling Downs
(p) 07 4638 9080

“TASC would like to sincerely thank TOMNET for the invitation to the launch of “Older Men – Hidden Hardships” on the 16th of July. We were not sure what to expect when we arrived at the Empire TheatreChurch, but were greeted with warm handshakes, a buzz of humour, anticipation and apparent strong bonds of mateship and support. It was a rare sight to see so many men in one place; particularly being supporting to each other and their place TOMNET.

After fond introductions the audience witnessed the powerful documentary in which six men from TOMNET: Neil, Neil, Richard, Les, John and Lindsay shared what led to their relationship with TOMNET. The stories appeared to be the all too common, but hidden stories of Australian men, the dark places they can experience when faced with the challenges of identity after retirement, dealing with cancer or the loss of a life partner.

A few days after, I still see staff members get tears in their eyes when they recount Hidden Hardships to others. A staff member explained the event as an “incredibly moving and a very powerful statement of the links that are forged at TOMNET and the importance of providing a place for these Older Gentlemen to connect and continue to be such valuable, contributing members of our community.”  – Meg O’Neill (TASC Inc)

“Older Men Hidden Hardships”

To find out how to secure your own copy of the DVD
please contact the TOMNET Centre on 4638 9080 or via email

TOMNET members featured in the DVD:

Les Banks

I was utterly depressed. I grew up in Warwick, I didn’t go to school very long, I left school when I was 13, a friend of mine took me out to the shearing sheds and I became a rouseabout and taught myself to shear.

I had a really bad case of depression about 5 years ago.

Richard Shaw

After I retired I needed a sense of purpose. I had a friend who died and at his funeral I met all these TOMNET men who carried his coffin. I needed to find out more about TOMNET.

I found out about the Volunteer program and I started as a mentor for disadvantaged youth – and its great.

Neil Wright

After my darling wife Mary passed away – I was devastated. I blamed myself for a good while – I still do. I know I am wrong doing that but I do, I blame myself.

Since joining TOMNET, I go home a different person, and I try not to go back to where I was.

John Erbs

When I retired I was looking for a new network. For the first 12 months or more I kept active, I was always wanted to be active, I never wanted to be busy.

I saw an article about TOMNET, and there was a photo of a guy that I knew years ago and he had a broad smile on his face…

Lindsay Campbell

We moved from Millmerran to Toowoomba, after 18 months my wife passed away. I found out there is a lot more to life than a lovely three bedroom brick home in Toowoomba.

After I lost my wife, I became very depressed. I received great support from the staff at TOMNET.

Neil Geddes

I was a boxer, I was always fit, I always trained hard, then I got prostate cancer. I was very down.

I was down, I knew that – I had never been knocked down in the boxing ring and I was sure that this wasn’t going to knock me down.

To find out more information about the

Award Winning DVD please use the form to the

right and a TOMNET representative will

contact you within the next 24 hours.

With the Support of:

Sidney Meyer Fund

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